15 Sep Private vs. Commercial Travel – what’s the difference?
There is no shortage of wanderlust these days. In fact, there might be a surge in daydreaming since people have been cooped up waiting for the pandemic to pass. It’s like waiting for a tornado siren to stop before coming out of your basement. You think it will be quick, but it persists for months on end. We can’t wait to see what’s outside the proverbial basement. During this time, our minds have been storing ideas and cravings that we are eager to manifest.
However, the way we travel has changed. The way we analyze travel options has changed. The options once labeled only for the wealthy are now being viewed as preferred methods over traditional ones. Who would have predicted that qualities like social-distancing and sanitizing would have sprung to the top of the list of considerations? I know it certainly took me by surprise.
This is abundantly apparent in air travel. Commercial air travel consists of busy airports, multiple touch points from check-in, security, lounges, public restrooms, waiting areas, boarding ramps and the planes themselves with passengers packed in tight. Not ideal in the best of circumstances, this is certainly off-putting amid a pandemic.
I know this firsthand. I just returned from a two-leg, one way journey on a commercial carrier and was astounded at the lack of safety and health precautions being taken. From all the media coverage, I was under the impression that there would be some sort of precaution…nope! Same old cattle herding and sardine packed planes. It was so unnerving that when I arrived home, I shed my clothes, threw them in a hot wash cycle and jumped straight into the shower to disinfect myself. In short, this was a far cry from desirable and eons away from luxury.
That brings me to private air travel. Long reserved for the select few, it is actually more accessible than most would think. It has inherent benefits like small groups of people who typically know each other on charter flights, private airport terminals for uncrowded check-in, waiting and boarding, minimal touch points in public spaces, personalized attention and customized itineraries. Now, private carriers like Tropic Ocean Airways have increased their safety and cleaning procedures to offer an experience that allows guests to travel with the ease and comfort. Also, while many large hotels and resorts remain closed, private carriers are able to bring guests directly to smaller resorts, private villas and private yachts, making for a completely socially distanced getaway.
If you have yet to fly private, take a look. If this is your preferred method of travel, well, then you already are in the know!
We look forward to seeing you on a Tropic Ocean Airways flight soon!